Your Community

There is power in community and in connection, it helps you to know that you are not alone, it is never just you feeling how you do.

We run an Instagram page where we provide free, accessible information to NICU parents, this community has grown over the past few years and is incredibly compassionate and engaged. Frankie is responsible for the educational & supportive content on our social media and works alongside Georgie as a graphic designer to bring the content to our audience.

Frankie creates posts which help to understand, name, and validate some common feelings you may have around your NICU experience. We also provide psychoeducation about how you can support yourself.

Some people have shared their story and written social media posts for us and blogs, if you would like to write for us or share your story, get in touch.

We have a closed Facebook group where people are able to talk to other like minded parents, who have similar experiences.

We also run a podcast, where we have spoken about common thoughts, feelings and some parents and professionals have shared their experiences. 

Our community is saying…