After talking about how much our identity has been impacted after becoming parents and experiencing neonatal care, it got me thinking, and I wanted to provide a free webinar for you which talks about all of the issues we discussed on Instagram about identity and how trauma can influence it.

in this webinar we explore

  • How trauma and neonatal care can have an impact on our emotional wellbeing and identity

  • How to rediscover your identity

  • The role of meaning making and post traumatic growth

to receive a link to the replay of this workshop sign up below.

Do you find it hard to recognise yourself since NICU and since becoming a parent?

Do you feel that you are more anxious? Whereas you used to be more laid back?

Do you find it difficult to spend time with your thoughts, so you keep yourself busy to distract yourself?

Do you find it hard to know who you are outside of being a parent now?

Do you feel out of touch with who you are, what you like and how you spend your time?

Do you feel all consumed by your experience of Motherhood and/ or the NICU experience?

You are not alone, so many of us feel this after becoming parents and after experiencing a trauma like NICU. It can shake the ground beneath us, leaving us questioning things like who we are, what we like, what we value and how we want to live our lives. 

These are big questions that can feel overwhelming, so I am hoping to help with that... 

By the end of the webinar you will understand what happens to us when we become parents and experience trauma in relation to our identity. 

You will gain clarity on how to find yourself again and we will discuss how you can grow from your trauma and make meaning from your NICU experience.

to receive a link to the replay of this workshop sign up below.


If you have any other questions, please get in touch by replying to this email. 

We hope to see you in our group sessions

  • Yes, its online, on zoom. You can sign up on Eventbrite via the link above.

  • This is a free webinar

  • It is 45 minutes for the webinar and 15 minutes for a Q&A at the end if you attend live.

  • Yes it will be recorded and you can access it whenever you like, however you will not be able to access the Q&A if you do not attend live

  • You can either give a question in advance via email or DM on Instagram, you can write it in the chat on zoom anonymously or you can turn your camera and mic on and ask during the Q&A session. There will be space for 15 minutes worth of questions and I am really keen to answer as many as I can and make it a really interactive session.

  • This is for anyone who has been through the experience, it doesn’t matter if it was 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 20 years ago, we all have the same common feelings.

  • No, it is for anyone who has been through neonatal care (including SCBU), preemie or full term, we will talk about all common feelings you experience after NICU with regards to identity. We may all be in different boats, but we are in the same ocean.

  • It is for everyone, your identity can shift if you are the person who gave birth, a partner or carer.

  • In this webinar we will explore:

    - How trauma and neonatal care can have an impact on our emotional wellbeing and identity

    - How to rediscover your identity

    - The role of meaning making and post traumatic growth